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Get Confidence With Using Color

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Get Confidence With Using Color

Blue paint color
Shades of blue, green and aquamarine combine to create a stunning interior. The effect of the bold hues has been toned down in an unusual way by dribbling diluted black paint down the walls.

Words by Penny Swift & Pictures by Janek Szymanowski ©

We show you how to get confidence with using color.

Color is an enormously powerful medium and a major consideration in modern home decorating. It is also an emotive and intensely personal subject – especially when it comes to interior decoration. Nevertheless, the successful use of color is immensely satisfying; and because it is cheap and easily accessible, it is certainly a field worth exploring.

Red bedroom color
This rich Persian look was created by the bold use of color paint.

When approaching color for the first time, it is important not to be put off by the cliches and ‘rules’ which both experts and books propound. Rather take color theory as a guideline which can assist you in forming good color sense. It may take time and some trial and error to reach your own goals, but the ensuing personal satisfaction will be worth it.

If you take inspiration from the world around, you will be surprised to see the finely balanced combinations it presents. Look at the way colors interact in nature and how nature is using color; absorb the ever-present spectacle of color and texture, and take your key from there. Also look at our page color-design

First Time Decorating

You need to get your walls ready for the paint before you begin using paint on any project. First thing is to remove all pictures and or paintings and shelves if you have any from your walls. Then all the nails and screws must be removed from the walls. By removing the nails this will make the job easier and let you easily roll the primer and paint onto your walls.

Cover Any Holes

Once all the nails are removed, it is time to begin filling the nail holes. This can be accomplished with a bucket of joint compound and a putty knife. To fill the holes simply get a small amount of joint compound on your putty knife and press into the hole. Then, take your putty knife and gently scrape over the area to remove the excess joint compound. Allow to dry completely. Then, gently remove any excess joint compound from the wall using a damp rag.


All traces of oil should be removed from your walls before painting. To ensure that your walls are ready for paint, wash your walls using a de-greaser. After you have washed your walls, rinse them well and allow to dry completely before beginning to paint.


Priming your walls with a good primer is the first line of defense for beautiful walls. For best results, apply at least two coats of primer to your walls before painting. Each coat of primer should be allowed to dry for a minimum of 4 hours before applying the next coat. Additionally, lightly sanding your walls after each coat of primer will help ensure your walls are perfectly smooth.

Painting Supplies

It is now time to begin getting your paint supplies together. You will need several old rags to clean up any spills. Also, get a variety of brushes. These brushes should include a 4 inch wide brush to help trim out along the baseboards and ceilings. You will also need an angled brush to trim out around windows and door frames. Next, you will need a high quality roller along with a paint tray. Many people also prefer to have a pouring spout for the top of their paint can. A spout allows you to pour the paint without accidentally spilling any. Finally, you will need either a painter’s tarp or an old sheet to protect your floors from any drips.

Begin Painting

After you have done all the steps detailed above and purchased your painting supplies, you are ready to begin painting your walls. If you have chosen something bold don’t be put off at the first few strokes of your brush or roller, wait till the job is finished to get the full effect. I am sure you will be delighted with you hard work. You will be rewarded with freshly painted walls and a beautiful interior.


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