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Sand Art: Crafting Beauty with Granules of Creativity

with 8 Comments

Sand Art – What is it?


History of Glass and Sand Art

Glass essentially is made from sand and is a combination of about 75% silicon dioxide (SiO2), sodium oxide (Na2O) from soda ash, lime (CaO). So it is quite fitting that sand artists use glass bottles and glass sheets to create these wonderful works of art.

It does occur naturally in nature due to the heat and pressures from volcanoes creating obsidian glass, this was used by Stone Age man as a cutting tool, lightning strikes can also leave a tube of glass around the point of strike with the earth.

There is still debate as to where glass was first developed. Objects coated with glass have been found that date back to at least 12,000 BC. There does seem to be strong archaeological evidence that Northern Syria is possibly where the initial real glass was made. From this era until today containers made from glass have been manufactured in a myriad of shapes and sizes. These are used in Sand Art creations.


Inspired by the wavy dunes of the Middle Eastern and African deserts Sand Art in bottles takes on the same undulating forms. Sand Art is thought to have started in the city of Petra, Jordan that is encircled by multi-colored sand dunes and hills.

How do I create Sand Art? How easy is it?


Pictured above: A child fills bottles through a funnel with various colors of  sand, layer upon layer until the bottle is full. This is the simplest and easiest form of Sand Art and anyone can do it. The satisfaction of creating something unique that you have made is quite rewarding.

Here is the same foreground picture with three different sand art background combinations.


A little more complicated is this picture frame that has 6 layers of sand each in their own “compartment” separated by thin glass or Perspex. Perspex is possibly the safer option to work with. (Pictures by Janek Szymanowski ©)



Various colors of sand have been used in each layer to create the wavy look that sand dunes have in their natural form.


When the picture is tilted or turned upside down and then returned to the right side up,  the sand in each section settles down to create a new unique picture every time.

Not Quite The Same Moving Sand Art As Above But Sand Can Make A Great Medium For Kids To Create Art.

Here Is A Link To The Tate Gallery Sand Art Page

Reference: Wiki Commons.


8 Responses

  1. Sahil

    HI 🙂 for art gcse we have to make a skull related to the day of the dead (mexican theme) and for my skull i want the texture to not be flat, but grainy, as if its covered by salt, i was going to use beads but they’re too big, so i had the idea of using sand, covering the skull in it and then painting it, unless i can find white sand (then i wouldnt have to paintit)

    Would this work? what sand would i use, and where could i find it (proper usable sand not straight from a beach ) 🙂
    thankyou so much 🙂

    if sand wouldnt work any other ideas?

    THANKU 😀

  2. blarg blarg

    They look really cool


  3. Elijah luv

    i told my family and my friends about i’m in love with sand picture and i will learn how to make it , but they didn’t care at all , they think i’m weird and my hobby is so weird too , no one support me !!!
    check it out : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b__LOh3Fe1E&feature=related
    do you think i’m crazy for doing this , is there anybody love sand art like me , it’s my dream and i really want to make it come true . it sucks when a whole world go against me hahahaHAHAHA .

  4. Janek

    Hi Jocelyn, Sorry but we don’t sell the items that we feature. We bought that one at a market in the Middle East and thought that it was a great idea for crafters to do.

  5. Jocelyn

    Can I buy one from you? My teacher has that exact same one and it is so cool and I really want one!

  6. Janek

    Well for starters you will need a picture frame and a few sheets of thin perspex, then you will need to extend the backing to hold the sheets of perspex and of course different colors of sand to put into the spaces between the perspex.

  7. Joe M

    We recognize those videos on youtube plus stuff with all the sand artist creating different images? Is there any method to do which at house without ordering a lot of stuff?

  8. Hannah

    i am gonna be an art instructor throughout the summer. I am using 3,4,8, plus 10 year olds. Every age group is different plus wont wanna do the same art projects. I require several inspirations.

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