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Life Studies and Landscapes

Studies of Nature and Landscapes by Mariota Percival

“I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars.” Walt Whitman

Life Studies

Mariota’s heart lies in life studies of nature and landscapes in their changing light. From the intricate detail of the tiniest forms of life to the expanse of the Universe.

Mariota’s Life Studies

Most of Mariota’s life studies and landscapes have been done on location both in South Africa and overseas using 3D in a range of media including pencil, ink pen, pencil crayons, watercolours, gouache, acrylics and oils. Subject matter ranges from fruit, flowers, leaves and butterflies to landscapes. 

Inspiration for Life Studies and Landscapes

Artists who have inspired her include:

  • Zoltan Szabo’s landscape watercolour paintings
  • Ann Taylor’s landscape oil paintings
  • Toulouse Lautrec’s paintings of people
  • Chinese brush paintings
  • South African San rock paintings
  • Wassily Kandinsky’s abstract paintings
  • Henry Moore’s organic sculptures

Only paint what you LOVE in what you see.” Calvert

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Life Studies
Life Studies
Life Studies
Life Studies
life studies
life studies
Life studies
life studies
life studies
Top left: The Lake in Blue Mist Top right: Land of Pink Volcanoes Centre right: KZN Cane Fields Bottom right: Abstract landscape – Atlantic shore

Life Studies

Life Studies

Life Studies

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